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Self Love: How to Learn to Love Yourself

Everyone says you should accept yourself as you are. But it’s not that simple. In addition, the question arises: Do we really need more self-love in a society full of self-promoters? Love yourself! Accept your weaknesses! Embrace your inner child! Quotes and sayings full of wisdom as far as the eye can see. The word of the hour is “self-love” ...

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7 hormone-free methods of contraception

Is it possible without the pill? Of course! These 7 methods of contraception do not require hormones. Here’s how they work and how safe they are The pill is usually a reliable contraceptive, no question. Its introduction in the 1960s was celebrated as a milestone in the history of women’s self-determination. But the pill has many downsides. Quite a few ...

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These are the best flirting lines for men

The perfect pick-up is funny, charming and smart. We reveal successful strategies and the best flirting lines for every type of woman. You won’t need another flirt guide anymore! When is the best time for pick-up and flirting sayings? Just now! Because a really good pick-up works at any time of the year or day. Nevertheless, tendencies can be recognized when we meet with ...

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How To End A Relationship The Right Way

Every beginning is difficult. For partnerships, however, the end of the relationship is the hardest part – for both! Here’s how you teach your future ex – and end your relationship properly The beginning of the end is usually the hardest part of the relationship. When she breaks up, it’s hard, but simple: Her room for maneuver tends towards zero. But when you are ...

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These 9 simple things make women really happy

It’s the little tokens of love that women want from men. How to make your loved one happy without much effort – not only on International Women’s Day Admittedly, it is not easy to find a suitable present for your partner. Fortunately, her birthday and Christmas are only once a year. On all other days you can keep your loved one happy in ...

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This will keep your relationship happy forever

There is a recipe for a happy relationship: micro-dating. So that the great love still tingles properly after years – and that without much effort. This is how it works The good news for non-romantics: you don’t need an elaborate candlelight dinner or a super expensive wellness weekend to give your relationship a boost. But that doesn’t mean that you can put ...

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When these 8 signs show you should break up

Go or stay? Quarrel animates love. But if you quarrel more than kiss, you should rethink the relationship. 8 signs to help you decide whether you should break up Do you still remember the exciting times of the first dates with your partner? You were constantly checking your cell phone for short messages, sending her kiss emojis before going to sleep. You even skipped the ...

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5 reasons to have sex when you’re on your days

have sex when you're on your days

Having sex on your period is not an option for you? We explain why you should reconsider this setting and what else you’re missing out on A lot in life doesn’t really fit together. Often, for example, you get your days, and right now you really feel like having sex – and sex on your period doesn’t work at all. Or? Many find ...

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How to find your new love in 8 simple steps

Long-term single existence makes few people happy. But it is not always easy to find a new love. That’s guaranteed to work You probably agree that living single has some advantages. You can (theoretically) do what you want, you are ready for any outrage, you have time to cultivate friendships and you constantly get to know new people. But then there are also ...

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