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The best crack butt exercise: This is how hip lifting works

Do you dream of a round, firm butt? Then into your sportswear, because with Hip Thrusts you can train yourself to have a crisp rear view

What do Pamela Reif, Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian have in common? They all inspire with their impressive downsides. No wonder that the hype around the buttocks has gripped women around the globe.

While one or the other lady in Hollywood has certainly helped, you can make a difference without any interventions, but with the right exercise and make your bottom (even) crisper.

Why should I train the gluteal muscles?

Sports leggings and jeans not only fit better on an apple butt, a well-trained butt is not to be underestimated for your health either. For example, it prevents back pain and contributes to good, healthy posture. With Hip Thrusts – or in German, hip raises – you cover several benefits at the same time.

Another plus point: You can integrate the exercise into your training at home, in the gym and even during an outdoor workout. Curious? Then we will explain to you what exactly is behind hip thrusts, how to perform them correctly and which muscles are trained. 

What is a Hip Thrust?

Under the term hip lifting you can perhaps already imagine a little more and guess what this training session could look like. If not, no problem at all. We’ll be happy to tell you! First of all, you look for a flat plane that is at maximum knee height. This can be, for example, a parking or weight bench. Now you lean your shoulder blades against their upper edge, your knees are angled. Next, push your heels into the floor and your hips so far toward the ceiling that your upper body forms a straight line.

When lifting hips, make sure that the legs are at a 90-degree angle.

Your shoulders are now on the bench – be sure to pull them away from your ears instead of pulling them up. The head is in a straight extension of the spine, so your gaze goes upwards. In order for the exercise to use your muscles even more effectively, you should do the whole thing with weights that you put on your hip, for example a dumbbell. Tip: If the dumbbell feels uncomfortable on your bones, put a folded towel in between.

Which muscles are trained in the hip lift?

Studies have shown that hip thrusts activate the glutes better than the squat or deadlift. They are therefore celebrated by many athletes as the ultimate exercise for a firm bottom. Rightly! Because it is not only relatively easy to learn and perform, but extremely effective. One of the reasons for this is the position in which you are doing the hip lift. Due to the bent knees, the hamstrings cannot work, so the glutes have to do most of the work and are therefore trained particularly intensively.

In addition to the large gluteus muscle (gluteus maximus), the back of the thighs is also activated and thus tightened. By tensing the entire core , your abdominal muscles benefit from the workout as well as the back extensor and the small gluteal muscles. Another bonus: Since the front of the thighs are only lightly stressed, you can optimally train your bottom with this exercise without your front thighs becoming more muscular.

What equipment do I need for Hip Thrusts?

If you want to set up a home gym or try the exercise on your next visit to the gym, we will of course be happy to tell you what you need for it. As mentioned above, you first need an increase such as a weight bench. However, you can also perform the exercise on a multi-press, for example – the advantage: You do not have to build up your set-up first, but the deep muscles are less stressed.

If you train regularly at home, you may already have something like this. Of course, another bank will do the same. Athletes with a little more experience can do the exercise with additional weight in order to set even stronger training stimuli. A barbell, a dumbbell or a kettlebell are suitable for this . Since the tools can be uncomfortable for the hip bones, we recommend padding. This can be a double towel or a special barbell pad.

Bet you can lift more weight than you think when lifting your hips?

With how much weight should I perform hip thrusts?

If you dare to lift your hips for the first time, you can leave the dumbbells aside for the time being. It is important that you perform the technique cleanly and, for example, do not fall into the hollow cross. If you already have a little experience, then like to use weights. As with all training sessions: Increase slowly. Start quietly with little weight, such as a barbell without weight discs.

If you train with dumbbells, then 5 kilos is a good starting weight. There are virtually no limits to the top. The only important thing is that you are always able to push your hip all the way through and stay firmly on the ground with your heels. If this no longer works, it is better to use lighter weights again.

Where does the miracle workout come from?

Have you ever wondered who actually came up with the many exercises that regularly make us sweat and shape? Who did squats, lunges and Co. for the first time, we can not tell you unfortunately. The genesis of the Hip Thrusts but very well. Responsible for the hype is Bret Contreras,a certified fitness trainer with a doctorate in sports science.

Contreras is celebrated worldwide as the “Glute Guy” and according to his studies, hip thrusts are the most effective exercise for a perfectly trained butt. But how did he come up with the idea? He sat in front of the TV one evening watching UFC fights in which a fighter was pushed to the ground by his opponent. Bret thought at that moment that the fighter would have to stretch his hip upwards, like a bridge, in order to get rid of the opponent more easily. And that’s when it clicked! The idea for the Hip Thrust was born.

How effective are hip thrusts?

Not only Bret Contreras is convinced of hip lifting. If you want to give your booty more shape or just have it tighter, you should regularly integrate hip thrusts into your training. For example, you can combine them with squats and lunges to give the legs and buttocks the finishing touch. We promise you: You will see results quickly and will not want to do without this exercise from now on.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on your favorite sports dress and off you go to the crispest butt you’ve ever had. There is only one thing you should pay attention to: Take at least 10 minutes before the workout to warm up. Have fun!

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