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Home Gym: Training at home is so easy and effective

Closed gyms, the cold, little time – all these excuses for skipping the workout no longer apply. Because now you train at home. That’s how it’s done

The gym is closed. Actually, you wanted to do sports outside, but out there now? In front of the door? Nope. Too cold. Too dark. Something is always. But, you know what? Just stay at home! And that is definitely not meant to be an acquittal for skipping. No, you still train.

There are such great exercises for training in the home gym. And for most of them, you don’t even need additional tools. We’ll show you how to put together a great workout for at home with little effort. Once you have started, there are endless ways to vary and improve your training. Can’t wait to get started?

We’ll tell you how you can train effectively and quickly in your own home gym, without any tools or fanfare. With our tips, your session in the living room will be at least as effective as a course in the studio.

Why is training at home useful?

“Those who train at home are flexible, save expensive membership fees and the trip to the gym,” say fitness trainers Marleen Schumacher and Svenja Sörensen from Hamburg. Training in the home gym has decisive advantages, especially for beginners – especially if you are currently unable to train in the gym, are unsure how to train there or do not feel really comfortable.

“Training in public is not for everyone. At home, you can find out what you enjoy and what opportunities the training offers you without any spectators or shame,” says Sörensen. Not to mention the fact that studios are currently closed. Do you fancy tools?

What other advantages does the home gym have?

You can manage the time better. Another plus point of home training: At home, you can tailor your training to your bio-rhythm. Because your athletic performance is subject to daily fluctuations: Sometimes you are fit in the morning, sometimes in the evening – but you can’t always go to the gym or outside and sacrifice 2 hours for training.

Therefore: bring the gym to your home. Especially if you want to train for a round early in the morning, it is faster and more spontaneous at home.

Advantage of training at home: Only you decide at what time you start

Do I really have to train indoors?

No. Working out at home doesn’t mean you have to retire to a quiet room. “When the weather is nice, you can do an outdoor workout in the garden, on the terrace or, if it’s big enough, even on the balcony,” says the fitness trainer Schumacher.

Schumacher’s tip for everyone who needs a little more space for the home gym: “Use the garage, hobby room or basement – nobody is bothered by the training tools there either.” Basically, it is enough to set up a small corner with enough space to move around or to lay down a sleeping mat.

Sörensen: “It is important that you reserve a training corner so that you can always head for a fixed place for training.” If you always have to laboriously prepare everything, you just get a new excuse not to train.

What do I need for training at home?

Basically, you already have the most effective training tool: your own body weight. Fitness exercises for at home therefore do not require a lot of equipment. “A sleeping mat for the floor protects the elbows and knees,” says Sörensen.

“If you like, you can also convert your furniture into exercise equipment: dips on the chair, raised push-ups with your feet on the bed edge, curls with a full water bottle – many variations are possible,” says Schumacher. Here you will find great exercises for your sofa workout. The partner or the children can also be used as training buddy.

Which equipment shouldn’t be missing in the home gym?

If you want to purchase additional training tools, you have extensive options. Top tips from the trainers: “Dumbbells, kettlebells and a Swiss ball are inexpensive and can be used in a variety of ways. But a pull-up bar or weight vest are also effective tools for at home.” 

Especially for beginners: keep it simple. “Because the right way to deal with your own body needs to be learned. First concentrate on it, then you can improve.” 

How do I motivate myself when training at home?

If you have your own home gym, you don’t necessarily train more consistently. Often the distraction in your own four walls is too big and your weaker self wins a runaway victory in the last few minutes. But you can do something about it.

The coaches’ motivational tips: “First: Stick pieces of paper on the fridge on which you formulate goals and which remind you of regular training units. Second: Schedule fixed dates for workouts, each with a specific motto. Third: Create space for yourself for training. ” In this way you can approach your next milestone in training in a targeted manner.

3 fitness exercises for at home 

Is your home gym ready? Top. Only: what are you doing there now? We have some really great ideas. But be careful: You should avoid these exercises in the home gym. However, our experts can recommend these especially for training in the home gym: 

1. Squat jumps

Jump squats are not only perfect for the buttocks and thighs, they are also excellent for training explosive strength and burning maximum calories in the shortest possible time. But be careful: jumps don’t always go down well in the apartment. Sörensen’s tip against neighbors: “If you can’t jump up and down wildly at home because it’s too loud: just do deep squats without jumps, alternating with lunges.”

2. Mountain climber

For the mountaineering exercise, do a push-up and alternately bring your right knee to your right elbow and your left knee to your left elbow. “The thigh is horizontal, the bottom always stays in line with the upper body,” says personal trainer Schumacher.

3. Push-ups for beginners

Start in an elevated position by placing your hands on the edge of the bed or at a table. Gradually, you can then reduce the elevation until you can do clean push-ups on the floor. Schumacher’s push-up tip for advanced users: “If you want to train your arms harder, you should do the tight triceps variant: Simply position your hands closer to your body.”

Can I also build strength through bodyweight training?

But something of! For beginners in particular, training with your own body weight is the absolute cornerstone for further training success. In a  study by the University of Tokyo  , test subjects trained with their own body weight for 10 months. The result: On average, they were able to increase their maximum strength by 15 percent. Above all, complex, functional exercises that use multiple joints, such as squats or push-ups, were trained.

But even after several months of bodyweight training, you can still build strength and muscles. To do this, however, you should gradually adjust the intensity to your training level, i.e. increase at best.

How often should I exercise at home?

You should do a 20 to 30 minute home workout at least twice a week. If you have more time and your body has already got used to the training, you can also do 3 to 4 units per week. For Schumacher and Sörensen, the main focus is on intensity: “Don’t do alibi training – just short, intense intervals and even shorter breaks. Turn on crisp music and off you go.”

In no case should you always do the same training. Because this way your body quickly gets used to the stimulus and you quickly stop making any progress. 

How do I add variety to my training at home?

Do you need a little more inspiration? Do a bodyweight training with the 3 example exercises of the coaches – for example in the form of a circuit training by doing all the exercises one after the other, for a total of 3 sets.

If you do have a few tools at home, you can do a kettlebell workout or use dumbbells . It is important either to create variety through different training methods, to gradually increase the repetitions or weights or to keep the breaks between exercises and sets shorter.

Effective training does not need a studio or expensive equipment. And not too much space either. Motivation, discipline and the right fitness exercises for at home are decisive for training in the home gym. With our instructions you are on the safe side.

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