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Freshly squeezed detox juices are available from many suppliers

6 tips for the perfect detox day

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It makes your skin glow and you sparkle with energy – a little detox can sometimes work wonders. This makes detoxification very easy at home.

Everyone is talking about detox, but you don’t feel poisoned at all? That’s not what I was talking about. It’s about the many not-so-healthy substances that you take up in everyday life and how you can get rid of them better.

Of course, the organism breaks down toxins and pollutants anyway, of course. But if you’ve been feeling limp and lacking energy more and more recently, it can be worthwhile to detox. Because a little detox in between recharges your empty batteries.

But what exactly do you have to do to activate the body’s own detoxification processes? What can you eat and what not? How useful are detox tea or juice cures? We clarify the most important questions about the detox cure.

How does a detox regimen work? 6 tips

Eat healthy, drink a lot and just as healthily, and specifically avoid anything that potentially pollutes the body. Our 6 tips provide you with the perfect timetable.

1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables form the basis of the detox diet because they mainly consist of water, which flushes harmful substances out of the body faster. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that your body needs to function optimally.

Also, if the food is not heated above 42 degrees, the enzymes and all of the essential nutrients that help you stay healthy are retained. Also clear: the food should be organic so that as few new pollutants as possible get into the body.

2. Eat unprocessed foods whenever possible

Unprocessed organic foods are also one of the basic basics of a detox regimen. Ideally, they come from the region, directly from the producer. This ensures that no pesticides and artificial additives get into your body. The more natural the food, the better it cleans from the inside.

3. Drink plenty of water during the detox

The body often confuses hunger and thirst, so it is best to drink 1 glass of water before each meal. That saturates and flushes out toxins. Ideally, your detox day also begins with a large glass of warm water, because the body loses around ½ liter of fluid overnight, which slows down the metabolism. The more pollutants that are excreted in the urine, the less it has to be detoxified through the skin.

4. Green tea instead of detox tea

Do special detox teas really help detoxification better than normal tea, as the manufacturers claim? Nope, they can even do more harm than good, why Better to invest your money in a good green tea.

Numerous studies confirm the health benefits of green tea. A study by the Arizona Cancer Center also shows that the contained tanning agent catechin helps the body to detoxify. The activity of the detox enzymes increased by up to 80 percent after consumption. This neutralizes harmful environmental toxins that have lodged in the body.

5. Green smoothies instead of just green vegetables

No other food contains as many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with such a low energy density as vegetables. Especially green leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale contain lots of chlorophyll. The green plant pigment has a blood-purifying effect and helps your body to produce blood more easily and quickly. Another plus of the liquid vegetables: When drinking juice or smoothies, even larger portions of vegetables can be consumed than when chewing solid vegetables.

6. Vegan detox

Antibiotics in beef, pork, poultry and milk, heavy metals in fish and dioxin in eggs: Unfortunately, these foods are regularly criticized for their undesirable accompanying substances. In addition, animal protein over-acidifies the body. That is why only vegan delicacies are served on the plate during detox.

Which foods are forbidden during a detox program?

The usual suspects are taboo when detoxing: white flour, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, meat, milk and eggs. Fast food and canned goods are also canceled. Because all of these foods contain accompanying substances that hinder the cleaning process.

Does a detox cure with juices make sense?

To detoxify the body, most detox cures use liquid food in the form of fresh juices. They should not only relieve the intestines, but above all help to bind pollutants and transport them out of the body. But not every juice is suitable for this.

Detox juices are cold-pressed in order to preserve as many valuable ingredients as possible. It is also important that they are not reheated and pasteurized after the special preparation. Sugar and additives are an absolute no-go. Both of these can trigger inflammatory reactions in the body and boycott your detox cure. You should therefore definitely keep your hands off the processed juices from the supermarket.

Detox juices are not just about what’s NOT in them, but also what’s in them. So-called antioxidants bind free radicals that can attack and destroy your cells and thus act as cell protection. There are a number of substances that act as antioxidants. In addition to the chlorophyll from green vegetables, this also applies to vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium. This is exactly why so-called detox juices contain lots of green vegetables or citrus fruits. Pomegranate juice is also very popular thanks to its ellagic acid, which stimulates the immune system and is also an antioxidant. Another insider tip: beetroot juice.

Detox juices: do it yourself or buy?

Of course you can prepare your own detox juice yourself. However, you need a juicer for this, as fruits and vegetables are not pureed like a smoothie, but actually pressed. So that you don’t have to buy a new device straight away – and save yourself time and work – there are some suppliers who produce detox juices and even have entire detox cures in their program. However, they are not that cheap. This is mostly due to the special preparation. To make the detox drinks durable, they are made durable using a special process called high-pressure procession, or HPP for short. Since they are usually delivered fresh, they are sent in several packages depending on the length of the treatment. We have selected these 6 offers for you:

1. Frank Juice

There are 6 cold-pressed juices of 330 milliliters each in different types and colors. You not only choose between pure juice treatment and a combination of juice and soup, but you can even choose between different levels that differ in the proportion of vegetable juices. While the juices in the entry-level program contain more fruit, the medium or Pro Detox plan replaces it with vegetables. There are also shots for the immune routine, plant drinks with coffee, vanilla or turmeric as well as various organic teas. Deliveries within Germany are free of charge.

2. Kale and Me

Not only are the juices special here, but also their names. Pamela Pine, Catie Carrot or Kalvin Kale somehow don’t sound like a disdainful juice fast. Nicely packaged and nicely titled, there are 6 juices every day, numbered in order. The juice treatment is also available only with vegetable juices or as a pure celery juice treatment. Those who prefer it individually can put together their own detox juice cure or order a few detox shots or vegetable broth on top. The minimum order quantity is 6 bottles. If you live in Hamburg, you can pick up the juice treatment. Incidentally, you can return the packaging material free of charge.

3. Pure delight 

With the pure juice diet, you can choose between a mixture of fruit and vegetable juices or pure vegetable juices, which you drink every 2 hours throughout the day. Those who do not want to miss out on a warm meal during the day can choose the package with soup, which can replace one or two of the juices at will. The things come home by courier and – depending on the duration of the cure – are delivered in several portions to guarantee freshness. If you collect your own in Munich, the packages are a little cheaper.


Fresh, cold-pressed, vegan juices for detox cures. The detox juice cure is available in red, green or a colorful mix. Some packages also contain shots made from turmeric, ginger, pomegranate and orange-ginger-honey. As a “snack” you can order a 100 percent pomegranate juice or a mango-passion fruit drink. If you pick up the juices yourself in Munich, you save the shipping costs. Otherwise deliveries are made throughout Germany and even to some European countries.

5. Cardea Detox

The fruit and vegetable juices are supplemented with a serving of nut milk (250 ml) per day. In addition, superfoods such as açaí, guarana or wheatgrass are mixed in the juice compositions. There is a wide range of packages to choose from. In addition to pure juice cures, there is the option of combining juice and soup with an option for vegan breakfast, lunch or dinner. There are also special packages for athletes that include juices and two vegan protein drinks. The price is reduced for self-collectors in Frankfurt. It is also sent to Austria, Switzerland and other European countries for an additional charge.

6. Antidote Cleanse

The organic juice treatment contains 8 fruit and vegetable juices à 250 ml per day, which are filled in an “eco-bottle 90%” based on renewable raw materials. Alternatively, the juice treatment is also available in “super green”, ie with more green vegetables and less fruit. In addition to the juice treatments, the shop also has celery juice or various shots made from ginger, aloe vera, wheatgrass or turmeric. Everything is raw, vegan and organic.

Instructions for a 3-day detox regimen

As a detox novice, it’s best to start with a 3-day course, and this is how it works:

  1. Shortly after getting up you start with 300 to 500 milliliters of warm water and the juice of half a lemon. This stimulates the kidney metabolism, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and supports the liver. Flush toxins and waste products from the body, and promote blood circulation.
  2. 30 minutes later you can have breakfast – of course according to the detox principles mentioned above.
  3. During the day you distribute 5 to 6 servings of juices, smoothies and soups. This brings the metabolism into full swing. And if you like to chew something more solid in between, you can include a vegan salad once a day.

It doesn’t have to be a complete change in diet. But a little detox from time to time helps to rid your body of unnecessary cell waste. Just try a 3-day detox cure and see for yourself how (positively!) Your body will react to it.


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